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Magnetic Nano-Particles and Magnetic Current

Discovery, Manipulation, and Implementation


 Is there an unknown/more efficient method of electrolysis using Magnetic Fields (Magnetolysis) combined with Optical Fields (Photolysis)?  Would this new technique prove the existence of Magnetic Nanoparticles and Magnetic Current?

Hypothesis V. 1

 Current designs for Hydrogen engines render only about 50% efficiency with an estimate of about a 10% increase per ten years.

  1. If you use Magnetic Fields and Optical Fields rather than electrodes, then there is a notable increase in efficiency to about 120% (theoretically), because the electrolysis would only be using magnetic fields/Magnetic Current*, rather than using electricity and the association to the First Law of Thermodynamics.

  2. If magnets eventually ‘ware out’ over time, then that indicates a presence of some form of current within the magnet, because, using a magnet to dissociate water, there is a noticeable decrease in Hydrogen production, theorizing the decrease in magnetic power, or magnetic current.

*It has been theorized by Dr. Felix Ehrenhaft, in 1944, that magnets act similarly to batteries, meaning, they use particles as the attractive force, and the flow of these particles can be known as ‘Magnetic Current’ in magnets; similar to how electrons flow through wires.  This theory has been thought of as impossible, but no one has disproved the theory with data.


Having previously designed a hydrogen engine using the current methods of electrolysis, the First Law of Thermodynamics restricted us from achieving higher rates of efficiency.  The theory of using magnetic fields to break hydrogen bonds in water molecules and using optical fields as a catalyst has only been theorized, but has never been tested.  By using magnetic fields powered by either magnets or an electric solenoid can result in efficiencies above 100%.  If the results prove to be successful, we will also monitor the rate of disassociation, and if the decomposition of the water molecules decreases over time, it will hint towards the existence of magnetic particles* and the flow magnetic currents.  With this, we will be able to measure the strength of the Hydrogen bonds, and compare it to the Intensity of the Magnetic field.  The prediction for the strength of the bonds will be: they will not be effected much, but at a certain intensity, it will increase exponentially, but eventually flat line.  Once the intensity is increased it will cause the molecules to be unstable and the strength will be decreased to almost nothing, allow for low energy dissociation.

Theory V. 1

 When you have a pool/sample of water, and put a magnet near it e.g. north, the magnet nanoparticles will jump to the water molecules and strengthen the Hydrogen bonds of the molecule (Diagram 2.1); if the magnet is a powerful in producing a magnetic field.  Theorizing that, similar to a molecule’s electron field, magnetic fields are made by, not only forces, but subatomic nanoparticles with mass, similar to the electron.  The particles cannot easily travel on their own –much like electrons—in the water, so they travel along the bonds of the molecules.  They attach themselves to the hydrogen bonds of the molecules, strengthening the bonds.  Once a molecules hydrogen bonds are at capacity, they will travel from one molecule to another along the weak forces of the molecule.  Since these particles are not “charged” like electrons, they will not directly affect how the molecules act; but, they will strengthen the bonds without changing the makeup of the molecules.  But, when you pack something with too much of another thing, it will tend to break, like over packing a bag.  Eventually, when all the Water molecules in the sample have the magnetic particles associated with them, the magnetic nanoparticles will continue to build on the atoms, eventually weakening the bonds, make the water go super critical, allowing for easier dissociation.

Theory V. 2

 In the diagram above (Diagram 2.2), the molecule has its standard electron rings that are normally present, but what if there is also the presence of another ring/orbital for the magnetic nanoparticles to orbit the atom? (Diagram 2.3) This ring would put off electromagnetic currents/fields, rather than an electron which would put off energy or light.  So, is it possible for the Magnetic Nanoparticles to jump from one ring to another just as an electron would? And when they go down an energy level, what form of Energy would they put off? Magnetic field? Current?  With this theory, it would indicate that an atom will not only have its own electron field, but the presence of further orbitals containing magnetic particles; indication that maybe an atom has more pieces to its nucleus than originally conceived (something to counteract the ‘south’ or ‘north’ pole in the magnetic cloud).  Since we know that atoms can be strengthened by the nanoparticles, there is a point at which the great number of atoms can cause the atoms to go super critical, the question is, is this because it increases mass, keeping the atoms from moving, allowing for a buildup of potential energy in the form of temperature similar to how atoms can be ions, destabilizing them.

Or, instead of having their own orbitals around the atom, they orbit with the electrons.  When an electron gets excited and moves up and orbital, a magnetic nanoparticle will replace its spot on the lower energy level, causing an energy buildup in the electron in the higher energy state; allowing for the atom to be broken down (Dissociation/Decomposition) very easily/with less energy needed. Thus, by adding an optical field to the water molecules, it would excite the atoms, forcing them to higher energy levels, while their previous spots, on the lower energy levels, are being taken by magnetic nanoparticles, making them unstable, eventually causing them to decompose into their own individual atoms.  This would explain how some substances can be magnetically charged, while some cannot.

This theory is very plausible, but one way to make it more likely, is if neutrons are actually magnetically charged.  The neutrons can have a Northern Pole, and in the Electron Sea, there is an even number of Southern particles, thus causing no effects to the movement of the atom.  But, in Iron, there are 30 neutrons, and 26 Electrons.  And I have determined that the number of Magnetic Nanoparticles in the electron sea are equal to the number of electrons, thus 26 Magnetic Nanoparticles.  The differential in particles causes the atom to be unstable.  To achieve equilibrium, it attracts other atoms, and they share Nanoparticles.  This sharing, doesn’t change the make-up of the atom (Molecular Structure).  Since Iron has so many more Neutrons than protons, this creates a significant difference in the equilibrium of the Magnetic Nanoparticles, thus this forces the atom to be Ferromagnetic.  Most atoms that have a large difference in the number of Protons to Neutrons are more likely to be susceptible to losing their Southern Nanoparticles (Nanoparticles in the electron sea).  [North = Neutrons, South = Magnetic Nanoparticles].

These magnetic nanoparticles are evenly dispersed through the magnet, so when it is broken/cut, there is an even amount of these particles remaining to create enough of a field.  When you think about potential energy, you think of stored energy.  In a magnet, you have Magnetic Potential energy, the “number of Magnetic Nanoparticles stored in the atom”.  Say you cut the magnet perfectly in half, you will have half as many particles as before.  The magnets will have the same strength as the original structure, but there is less Magnetic Potential stored up than before, so the strength will decrease over time.  When you look at magnetic field in gasses, you can see the path of Solitons, the Positive and negative charges together.  Although, you can see areas where there is a Half-soliton (only one charge), there isn’t a true explanation behind such thing; but the idea of a magnetic monopole would determine this to be true.  The possibility of the existence would disprove Maxwell’s second equation:

This states that any magnetic field has to have at least a dipole.  Anything less would result in a Magnetic Flux that’s not equal to zero, implying a monopole.  My theory, is that atoms have these magnetic monopoles, just like elections:

This equation is very similar to Maxwell’s second equation (Gauss’ Law for Magnetism).  This Law states that the electric flux out of any closed surface is proportional to the total charge enclosed within the surface.  Both equations can calculate the divergence vectors of an electric field which give a measure of the density source with respect to the area of the surface.

Experiment V. 1

-      Overview

o   In this experiment, you will be using water and magnets to prove the existence of magnetic particles and current.  Using this information, you will create a formula using the strength of magnets, distance, and size to determine the particle strength, and density of particles, of a magnet.

o   Important: Keep in mind that this lab will experiment with the theory that there is an existence of magnetic nanoparticles and magnetic current; so, the proper terminology is North and South, not, Positive and Negative.

-      Materials

o   Magnets (Neodymium (NdFeB)) (x3)

  • Unknown Fluids

    • Small Container (6in x 2in x 2.25in) *

  • Procedure

    • Before starting this experiment, determine which direction is north.  You’ll be pointing the experiment North, so Earth’s magnetic field cannot heavily effect your results

    • To set up this experiment, you will set up the water container, filling the container until there is about one inch of space on top (total 4 in of water)

    • Then place the water sample in a set location and make sure it is secure to not effect results

    • Place compass to the right of the container, leaving about 0.5 inches of space between the compass and container.

    • Make sure the compass is pointed so North is set to 0 Degrees

    • Measure 3 inches from the water on the opposite side and mark that are; this is where you’ll place the magnet

    • Place one magnet at a time, and let sit for 5 mins.  Record any effect to the compass (I.e. If the needle is on the ‘5’, it has moved ‘5 degrees’)

  • Post Lab

    • Use data to determine the magnetic conductivity of the fluid

Experiment V. 2

Same lab concept but let it sit longer, and measure decrease in “Magnetic Current”/Potential Energy of the magnet.  I.e. See how the Compass change decreases over time.


  • Would the magnet have to be moved around to cause a Magnetic current to flow, just like moving a magnet through a solenoid to allow current to flow.

            With 45 mL of water, I submerged a 3mm^3 magnet into the water, to determine the dissociation rate of the water, and how that can relate to the strength of the magnet.  After 56 Minutes, 4 mL of water had dissociated from the sample, leaving 41 mL of water.  I tested the magnet in the same experiment as I did earlier and at 4.5 inches, the compass only moved 14.29 Degrees, a decrease of 1.22 Degrees.  This leads me to believe that the magnet has attracted water molecules and transferred the magnetic nanoparticles to the water’s Hydrogen Bonds, strengthening them to a point at which they dissociated, but eventually, the magnet reached a point of its Magnetic Potential, where it could not supply enough Magnetic Nanoparticles to dissociate the water molecules.

After performing the experiment, we can use the data recorded to formulate an equation to predict the forces applied

from each Magnetic Nanoparticle on a certain object, i.e. the turbine

Further Research to Conduct

“Static magnetic effects have been shown to cause strengthened hydrogen bonding and an increase in the ordered structure of water”

Low magnetic forces have small (slightly less) effects on hydrogen bonds, but high magnetic forces strengthen the bonds in water. 

Can this be acclaimed to magnetic particles effecting the bonds (Would the particles ‘latch’ onto the bonds and strengthen them)?

Could the attachment to the allow for some sort of Magnetic current to flow –builds a path for magnetic particles to other water molecules— through each bond into other atoms using the weak force and a path?

Similar to Electric Currents flowing along copper wire as electrons on each atom, the Magnetic Nanoparticles flow along both the molecules Hydrogen bonds, and the weak forces holding the atoms together; acting as a ‘shield’ for the molecules to strengthen them.

By placing a compass on the opposite side of the water container (Well beyond the range the magnet can affect it), the compass would be manipulated.  This hints that the water, with a magnetic current flowing through it, is acting as a range extender for the magnet.

This only leaves the question, are magnetic nanoparticles pieces of other metals (Iron)? Or a new kind of particle similar to the electron, meaning, atoms don’t only have orbitals for just electrons, but also, orbitals for magnetic particles?

PV = nRT = NkBT

            n – Number of Moles

            k – Thermal Conductivity

            N – Number of Molecules

I = [Delta] Q / [Delta] t

Make a formula to determine how the strength can calculate how much the magnet will effect a compass à then make a formula using the result of the previous equation, to determine the number of magnetic nanoparticles (Or one to determine the magnetic current)

By stacking magnets, you can increase the strength.  When you stack batteries in parallel, the Voltage remains the same, but Current increases.  If connected in series, Voltage will increase, while the Current remains the same.

What would be a magnets equivalent to the electron sea?

“Most metals have very few electrons in their outermost energy shells, and some have vacant outer electron orbitals. What this means for the metal is that its valence electrons are decentralized and free to move around. Remember that in ionic bonds, the electrons transfer from one atom to another atom. In covalent bonds, the electrons are shared between atoms. In metal bonds, the electrons wander around and aren't transferred or shared. It's more of a communal thing where they belong to all the metal atoms around them.”


So, what element has a free outermost “magnetic” ring for magnetic particles to flow?When Atoms, like Iron, are exposed to a magnet, this causes their electrons to flow in the direction of the magnetic field, making them magnetized.  After a certain length exposure, it will cause the atom to become magnetized.  It’s possible that when you expose the iron to the magnet, that the magnetic nanoparticles will follow my predictions and replace the Iron’s electrons to a higher energy level.  After enough time, the electrons are all at a high enough energy level that they are unable to come down, leaving only magnetic particles in the Lower orbitals.  The atom’s electrons are replaced by ‘South’ nanoparticles, which is why they will be attracted to the magnet.

Are EM fields more efficient on Super Critical water? (30% more monomeric water, and only ~17% Hydrogen bonds)

<Molecular Dipole = 7 Hydrogen Bonds

EM fields will break the bonds

With the presence of an EM field the Hydrogen molecules will dissociate and “leave” while the oxygen molecules will “stay”

Forms an H2O solution with a supersaturation of O2 molecules

Having alternating EM fields (Weak and Strong) allows for quick dissociation and super saturation

Clustered and super critical water

Polarized Magnetolysis

Earth’s magnetic field à needs to be in alignment w/ earths poles (make a gyro)

The magnet begins to fade: hinting breaking the hydrogen bonds drains the potential energy

North or south magnetic charge: not electrical charge

Could something have more than one another?

The water dissociating points to a sign of magnetic particles ‘flowing’


ferromagnetism electrodes

“Ferromagnetism electrodes are more affected by magnetism, and multiply the Lorentz effect. It reduces the polarization and over-potential during electrolysis, and thus increases the effectiveness of hydrogen production… It indicates that the magnetic force does enhance the efficiency of water electrolysis, and ferromagnetism is the best choice for electrodes.”

Which would provide a better effect: Physical magnets? Or an artificial magnetic/EM field (but using electricity in return)

Using a magnetic could also reduce the fiction coefficient, allowing for vehicles, such as boats, to travel more efficiently

“Static magnetic effects have been shown to cause strengthened hydrogen bonding [1693] and an increase in the ordered structure of water formed around hydrophobic molecules and colloids [106], as shown by the increase in fluorescence of dissolved probes [108]” – Possibility of needing to have a ‘stirring’ part of the set up

Low magnetic forces have small (slightly less) effects on hydrogen bonds, but high magnetic forces strengthen the bonds in water.  Can this be acclaimed to magnetic particles effecting the bonds (Would the particles ‘latch’ onto the bonds and strengthen them)?

Could the attachment to the allow for some sort of Magnetic current to flow –builds a path for magnetic particles to other water molecules— through each bond into other atoms using the weak force and a path?

Magnetic Nanoparticles

Magnetic Nanobeads



Describe electrolysis


Show new designs


Explain, and add to how to it can increase efficiency


Hydrogen Engine

After conducting the experiment, the methods of transferring magnetic particles can be used in many modern applications.  One of the most valuable being, using both Magnetolysis and Photolysis as a method of producing Hydrogen with maximum efficiency.  This method can be used to fuel a Hydrogen engine.  The design I have made for a hydrogen engine is quite basic.  Instead of modern designs, where the process of the Water Dissociation is on board the vehicle, my design is off board, in a separate area.  This is done for efficiency and fuel economy.  The only benefit of having the system on board, would be that you could refill the system with water anywhere, rather than just filling with hydrogen, but the decomposition chamber can be heavy, causing the engine to work harder, producing a low fuel efficiency number.

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